Gum disease is the world’s most prevalent human disease!
Q. What is the world’s most prevalent human disease? A. Gum Disease.We bet that answer came as quite a surprise. In fact whenever we quote that statistic to any of our patients most of them are quite astounded. But nevertheless it is true, because at some time or other, virtually every person in the world will suffer from some form of gum disease. It may appear to be innocuous, but if gum disease is left untreated then the consequences can be most severe. That’s why, as one of the country’s leading dental practices we want to bring it to your attention and at the same time advise you how best to prevent it and explain what you should do if you are suffering from gum disease.The problem with gum disease is that it can ‘sneak up on you’. In the early stages it is quite painless and you probably will not even realise that you are suffering from it. Over time though, unless treated, it will become progressively worse and the signs are:
- Bad breath that doesn’t go away.
- Red, swollen and tender gums
- Gums that bleed easily during brushing or flossing
- Pain when cleaning
- Pain when chewing
- Teeth that become mobile
- Sensitive teeth
Signs that gum disease has developed into something more serious are:
- Gums pulling away (receding) from your teeth
- A change in your teeth bite
- Loose teeth and recurrent abscesses
- Teeth that fall out
What causes gum disease?Your mouth constantly produces a sticky substance called plaque. This contains lots of bacteria that can form toxins that cause gum tissue to break down. Good oral hygiene and regular brushing removes most of the plaque, but if it is not removed it can spread below the gum line where it hardens into tartar, which can eat into the bone itself.Tartar can only be removed by a dentist or a dental hygienist.Who is most at risk of getting gum disease?
- People who do not clean their teeth properly or regularly
- Smokers
- Diabetics
- People with a family history of gum disease
What should you do to prevent gum disease?
- Make sure you clean your teeth twice a day
- Spend at lease two minutes cleaning your teeth
- Floss once a day and use a mouthwash
- Do not smoke
- Make sure your diabetes is well controlled
At Carisbrook we always say that prevention is better than cure, so our preventative dentistry advice is to ensure that you have regular dental examinations and check-ups so that your dentist or dental hygienist can spot any early signs of gum disease and take the appropriate action.If spotted early enough our hygienists can treat it and recommend the best hygiene routine for you to ensure that it does not return.Gum disease can be serious. So treat it seriously and make an appointment with our dentist or dental hygienist to help ensure you do not have to suffer. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or alternatively you can contact us by using the online form on our Appointments page.

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