‘Let it Snore’, or ‘Silent Night’?
Which Christmas song describes you, and how our snoring treatment can bring ‘Peace on Earth’

OK… we admit it. It’s an excruciating pun, but the fact is that it really does describe the nightmare dilemma facing thousand and thousands of people. Especially at Christmas. Heavy, prolonged snoring is quoted as being a significant factor in almost 25 per cent of marriage breakdowns. What’s more, people who do snore will almost inevitably snore more loudly and for far longer periods at Christmas. That is because this is the time of year when people tend to drink more alcohol, which in turn causes the soft palate to relax more than usual, leading to vibration of the palate and extreme bouts of more prolonged and even noisier snoring.Merry Christmas!Although it may be a bit too late to do much about the problem this year, the good news is that snoring can be cured and the Carisbrook snoring treatment is virtually guaranteed to end the misery of living with a person who is a persistent and noisy snorer.Our snoring treatment is not just good for the frustrated partner either. It is a medical fact that people who do snore are also at risk of sleep apnoea and in certain circumstances this condition can be life threatening. Sleep apnoea can be the cause of high blood pressure and it can put extra strain on the heart.Cardiovascular surgeons now recommend snoring treatment with dental devices.So you see, here at Carisbrook Dental we are amply qualified and perfectly placed to provide the kind of fully proven snoring treatment you are looking for. It is safe, non-invasive and best of all it is very, very effective.In fact this is your chance to put the misery of snoring behind you. Think what a wonderful Christmas present that would be for your partner if you do decide to speak to us about curing your snoring problem.To give it its technical name, our snoring treatment consists of a ‘Mandibular Advancement Device’. After examining you and discussing your snoring problem we then custom-make the device for you, which you place in your mouth at night before you go to sleep. It works by gently pushing your tongue and lower jaw ever so slightly forward thus preventing your soft palate from vibrating and producing the snoring sound.People who do wear this device tell us that after a very short time they are not even aware that it is there.As we say, our snoring treatment is simple, very cost-effective and best of all… every one of our patients who has used it confirms that it really does work.So while it may be too late to prevent snoring this Christmas, isn’t it worth talking to us about how we can prevent snoring affecting your relationship and how we can make sure that from now on you really can look forward to enjoying ‘Silent Night’ and ‘Peace on Earth’.If you would like to book an appointment and a Free Consultation at our Manchester Snoring Clinic you can call us on 0161 766 2123 or alternatively you can contact us by using the online form on our Appointments page.
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