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A good mouthwash could reduce Covid risk

Good oral hygiene might mean you have increased protection

There have been many studies that link poor oral hygiene with an increased risk of Covid infection. This latest report by Egyptian researchers suggests that people having poor oral health and a lax oral hygiene routine are more at risk of falling seriously ill – or possibly even dying - from Covid. The report says that: ‘the mouth may act as a reservoir for the virus, allowing infected patents to have a high viral load’. Crucially it also highlights the fact that using mouthwash on a daily basis could help to destroy the Covid virus.

This study isn’t the first to flag the dangers of poor oral hygiene raising the risk of serious Covid infection. Back in April of this year a team of researchers, including representatives from the NHS, stated that a good oral hygiene routine – including brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and using a good mouthwash after meals could significantly reduce the risk of severe Covid and could also aid a quicker recovery.

Normally it is believed that the Covid virus enters the body through the nose or throat, where it then multiplies before spreading to the lungs and respiratory system. Many experts, however, also suggest that the virus can spread into the bloodstream after infecting a person’s gums.

Twice-daily tooth brushing, plus using a respected mouthwash and regular dental appointments are a major factor in preventing or decreasing the severity of this potentially deadly viral infection.

In addition, many worldwide studies have indicated that people who look after their health and take oral hygiene seriously, generally take better care of themselves and are therefore healthier overall.

At Carisbrook Dental we keep a close eye on research papers and articles relating to the Covid virus and we can confirm that this latest report is not the first to claim that regularly using mouthwash could help people avoid serious Covid infection.

Last November for instance, researchers from Cardiff University found that mouthwashes containing Cetypridinium Chloride killed the virus within 30 seconds.

We recognise, of course, that some of these reports are partly conjecture. However, at Carisbrook, we seriously believe that improving your oral hygiene can and does have a major impact on the severity of Covid infections.

We always recommend to our patients that they should brush their teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and that they should also floss on a daily basis. Using a suitable mouthwash after meals certainly won’t do any harm … and if the most recent reports are correct then it could be another vital ally in the battle to prevent serious Covid illness.

The importance of good oral hygiene cannot be overstated. We recommend that patients visit our hygienists at least twice a year. They will examine and check the health of your teeth and gums, provide a professional clean and will advise you on the best oral hygiene disciplines.

If you would like to make an oral hygiene appointment or book an examination with one of our friendly dentists, then please do not hesitate to contact us. You can call us on 0161 766 4906 or you can complete and return the online form that you will find by going to the Contact page on our website.

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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الإثنين: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
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