A real alternative to whitening teeth
It’s so simple … don’t stain them in the first place!
Whitening teeth has become one of the fastest growing cosmetic dentistry procedures in the UK with almost two million people transforming their smiles. Professional teeth whitening by a dentist is undoubtedly an excellent way to remove stains, improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile as well as your self confidence, but what if you adjusted your lifestyle to avoid staining them and to help maintain their pearly whiteness?Dr Tariq Idrees from Carisbrook Dental recently had an article published in the Daily Mail that addressed the subject of teeth stains. If you would like to read the article you can do by clicking on this link: www.dailymail.co.uk/.webloc

Dr Idrees says that the basic rule he gives when talking to patients about whitening teeth or which foods to avoid, is to steer clear of any food that you would not want to spill on your clothes.[caption id="attachment_3853" align="aligncenter" width="200"]

Whitening Teeth[/caption]“It’s simple.” Says Dr Idrees. “If the food would leave a stain on your white T-shirt it will also stain your teeth.” His advice is to avoid acidic foods and those that are rich in colour. Cleaning your teeth after eating these foods will help, but it will only remove between 50-60 percent of the staining.And don’t rely on teeth whitening toothpastes, because their ingredients can cause more harm than good by destroying the teeth’s protective enamel.Another good piece of advice from Dr Idrees is to use a straw to avoid discolouration when drinking because this will help the liquid bypass the teeth.Here then is the Carisbrook list of 10 teeth staining foods and drinks you should try to avoid:Tomato KetchupAcidic and rich in colour. Think how it would stain your clothes. It does the same to your teeth.White WineWhite is more acidic than ‘Red’ and it is also high in tannins, which make you teeth more likely to be affected by stains. Cutting down will definitely reduce the need for whitening teeth expenses.Soy Sauce/Balsamic VinegarA nightmare to get off your clothes and definitely to be avoided if you want to keep your pearly white smile.Indian TakeawaysChicken Tikka Masala is among Britain’s most popular dishes, but like most Indian foods it is rich in artificial colouring and so is bad for your teeth. If you are making your own curry at home then Dr Idrees recommends that you go easy on the turmeric, which is a real stain threat.Fruit TeasAll types of tea and coffee can stain teeth, but fruit based teas and green tea that are rich in colour and tannins are a particular threat. Whitening teeth could quickly become a sought after requirement.Pasta SauceThe tomatoes in pasta sauce can leave your teeth vulnerable to staining because they are acidic and colourful. Not only that, but they also have a tendency to cling to the teeth. One solution, wrote Dr Idrees, is to protect your teeth beforehand by dining on dark green vegetables to create a protective film on your teeth. Think ‘green salad’ for the starter.Ice LolliesAll lollies contain a high level of colourants that will transfer to the teeth and embed in the porous enamel.PicklesEven though you may try to avoid them you could still be eating them in burgers for instance and it is the high acid content that is dangerous for your teeth.Any type of colaAll cola drinks, although lovely and refreshing, contain significant levels of colourant and acid. Two of the chief culprits for staining teeth. Help to avoid the need for whitening teeth by cutting down on colas.Any type of berryMost berries – strawberries, raspberries, blueberries etc have a high content of acid and colours. Whitening teeth could become a real requirement if you eat a lot of these.If you would like more information about how to avoid staining your teeth, or if you would like to discuss the different teeth whitening treatments that we offer (and please remember whitening teeth treatments can only legally be carried out by a qualified dentist or dental professional) then please contact us. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or use the online form on our Appointments page.
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